Vampire Hair Regrowth

Surface Medical Spas Layton, Utah Cosmetic Surgery

Vampire Hair Regrowth is a procedure first developed and trademarked by Dr. Charles Runels MD, who personally trained our physician Dr. Barson, he is currently the only doctor in the entire state of Utah who is approved and trained to preform Vampire Hair Regrowth.

Regrow your hair without surgery!

Hair loss can be a traumatic for both men and women, and at any stages of life. While there are many treatments for hair restoration available, not all treatments are effective for everyone. Most men and women want to avoid hair transplant surgery because of the expense and inconvenience. Some people don’t have enough hair to be a harvest site for transplants and are this is where Vampire Hair Restoration comes in.

Numerous studies have shown that using platelet-rich plasma (PRP) can be an effective therapeutic option for anyone experiencing hair loss, and is even able to treat hair loss conditions that have in the past been very difficult to treat. Our Vampire Hair Restoration treatment uses substances within the platelet portion of the patient’s own blood to stimulate new hair growth and reactive the dormant hair stem cells.

During your procedure, blood is drawn from you and prepared by separating and concentrating the platelet portion of the blood sample. your scalp is anesthetized with a strong local and topical anesthetic cream and the platelet rich plasma is injected into the numbed scalp in the areas of thinning and balding.

The platelet-rich plasma (PRP) that we harvest from your blood is activated and after injection, stimulates the hair follicles to do what they are programmed to do, grow.

For the hair regrowth, the PRP is injected directly into the scalp in a grid pattern over the entire thinning or bald area. Following the injections, platelet rich plasma is applied for a second time topically. Following that application, we use a micro-needling device to activate the dormant follicles further. So, the follicles are stimulated from the surface and from underneath, a double whammy.

The micro-needling creates thousands of microscopic channels into the skin, allowing the PRP to penetrate by absorption into the dermal layer. The combination of the microneedling with PRP intensifies the skin’s natural healing process, reactivating the hairs dormant stem cells, which results in an even higher concentration of growth stimulation.

Since we are trying to stimulate rejuvenation of hair in the scalp, the sequence of treatment in and out of our office has had high success rates. Even better, this procedure comes without the expense and scarring of more aggressive treatments such as hair transplants.

Following the procedure, patients can have redness and swelling over the treatment area, which may last for up to several days. Normally the swelling will last 3 days, and regrowth from each procedure will start usually after about 3 weeks. However, some patients claim that they noticed changes in the first week.

For this hair regrowth treatment to work best for you have you also use dehydroxytestosterone (the hair loss hormone) blockers like minoxadil and finasteride. These have been shown to keep the hair regrowth healthy by blocking the body’s natural hormone that leads to hair loss.

Dr. Barson has trained and certified in several Vampire techniques by Dr. Runels including the Hair Regrowth Procedure. Using this revolutionary technique, you may achieve more success in hair regrowth than you ever imagined.

Call us at (801) 335-3650 to schedule your free consultation today!

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